
预先护理计划(ACP)是一个 过程 为你未来的医疗决定做计划. 为了有效,这一过程包括:

  • 反射 on your goals, 值 and beliefs (including cultural, religious, spiritual and personal)
  • 理解 未来可能出现的情况和决定
  • 分享 与那些可能需要执行计划的人一起思考和决定


点击收听 Amran and 保罗的 关于预先护理计划的故事.

Watch 让你的愿望知道:提前护理计划研讨会(更新2020年3月)


你有权做出自己的医疗决定. Often these decisions are made together with your family and the advice of your doctor. It is usually best to include family and physicians in this 过程 to avoid conflict when end-of-life decisions arise: family members may have personal beliefs that differ from yours and physicians may give insight to end-of-life issues not previously considered.

如果你丧失行为能力,你怎么能确定你的选择会得到尊重? 在你生病之前, make your choices known by completing written instructions about your future medical care in the event you are unable to express your medical wishes.

预先指示通常指的是两份法律文件,都建议 任何超过18岁的人:

  • 医疗保健持久授权书(也称为医疗保健代理), 医疗保健代理, 或代理决策者) 
  • 卫生保健指示(也称为生前遗嘱)  


也被称为医疗保健代理或医疗保健代理, this document reflects who you would want to make medical decisions on your behalf in the event you are too ill to make decisions for themselves. 华盛顿州法律要求对该指示进行公证和/或见证. 您可以随时更改或取消此指令.



  • 接受这个角色 
  • 谈谈你的目标、价值观和偏好 
  • 遵循你的决定(即使他们不同意你的决定),并且  
  • 在困难时刻做出决定.  


  • 有医疗保健决策权的监护人(如已指定) 
  • The person named in the durable power of attorney with healthcare decision-making authority 
  • 你的配偶或国家注册的家庭伴侣  
  • 您的成年子女(18岁以上)*
  • 你的父母* 
  • 你的成年兄弟姐妹* 
  • 成年的孙子*
  • 成人的侄女或侄子
  • 成人阿姨/叔叔*
  • 亲密的成年朋友(有要求和限制)

*Any group that has more than one person: all available individuals in the group must agree to the care.


也被称为生前遗嘱, this document outlines your wishes and preferences for medical care in the event of a fatal illness or permanent state of unconsciousness. It serves as a guide for health care providers and surrogate decision-makers when you are unable to make decisions for yourself.



“I have an Advance Directive not because I have a serious illness, but because I have a family.——艾拉·比约克.D.

让你的医生和你爱的人知道你的愿望, not only means that you are ensuring that you will receive medical treatment consistent with your 值, 偏好和目标, but it also takes away elements of uncertainty and stress from your loved ones who may have to make decisions on your behalf. 你可以给他们提前护理计划的礼物.

即使你身体很好, 确保你的医疗团队了解你的愿望仍然很重要, 因为任何人的健康状况都可能突然改变. 不要等到有危机的时候. 不要等着你的医生提出来. 一切似乎总是太早,直到为时已晚.


为了使你的预先指示有用,它必须是可访问的. 当找到文件的时候, 它通常是不可用的, 很久以前就被妥善保管了. 将您的原件保存在安全的地方,并将副本交给您的医疗保健代理人, 其他可能参与决策的家庭成员, 你的初级保健医生和律师.

我们渴望收到你在十大正规网赌软件的预先指示! Please bring a copy to your next appointment and we can get it into your medical record so that it can be accessed in the case of an emergency.

There are also various online databases that allow you to store your wishes and send links for your loved ones to access. 请查看下面参考资料中的在线文档存储选项.

病人现在可以通过MyChart上传他们的预先护理计划文件. 有关如何执行此操作的说明,请单击 here


除了规划你未来的医疗护理, you may also want to make arrangements in advance for the distribution of your estate in the event of your death. 考虑咨询律师或计划给予专家 或者其他值得信赖的慈善机构. 他们可以帮助你进行计划的捐赠选择,以反映你的优先事项, 值, 以及财务目标.




  1. 仔细想想,和你爱的人谈谈你已知的目标, 与临终关怀相关的价值观和偏好. 使用“你的对话入门工具包”.

  2. 确定你想要谁想要成为你的医疗保健代理/代理. 使用“如何选择医疗保健代理”.

  3. 当你选择了一个特工, 想想自己的喜好, 填写“健康护理指示”和“持久授权书”表格.

  4. Have your Durable Power of Attorney form notarized or witnessed and your 卫生保健指令 witnessed.

  5. Let your loved ones, and your physician, know about your 预先指令 and your wishes.

  6. 将副本交给:您的医疗保健代理, 其他相关的亲人, 你的初级保健医生和律师

  7. 回顾和更新关于几十年和重大生活事件的预先护理计划.

  • Early预先指示可以在18岁及以上完成
  • Often在每十年开始时审查预先指示是一种良好的做法, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70…
  • 在重大的生活事件中:
    • 上大学的时候
    • 结婚或离婚的时候
    • 生孩子的时候
    • 当你有资格享受医疗保险时
    • 当要进行一次重要的旅行时
    • 当刚被诊断出患有严重疾病时

律师是 not 需要完成ACP和预先指示. 

医疗保健持久授权书 must be notarized or witnessed by two people. 证人不得:

  • 填写本文件的个人的家庭护理提供者
  • 成人家庭或长期护理机构的护理人员(如果你住在那里)
  • 与您或指定的医疗保健代理有血缘关系, 婚姻, 或国家注册的国内合伙企业  

健康照护指示必须由两个人见证. 证人不得:

  • 主治医生
  • An employee of the attending physician or health care facility in which the declarer is a patient
  • Any person who has a claim against any portion of the individual’s estate (Named in a will)

  • 把你的原始文件放在一个安全但容易拿到的地方.
  • 向以下人士提供文件副本:
    • 您的医疗保健代理/代理
    • 你的家庭成员可能会参与到生命终结的决策中
    • 您的初级保健医生(在十大正规网赌软件,我们渴望收到您的文件! 下次预约的时候可以带过来.)
    • 你的律师

医师生命维持治疗医嘱(POLST)表格是一种“便携式” 医疗秩序 这描述了你的心脏停止跳动时你现在的愿望. 它必须由提供者签名才能有效. 它包括以下内容:你对复苏的愿望, 医疗干预措施, 抗生素和人工喂养. 

这个表格是 并非所有人都适合! 它是为患有严重疾病或健康状况极差的人设计的. 如果你有的话, you should keep it on your refrigerator or in a designated place where family and medics can locate it quickly.

A code (resuscitation) is a set of potentially life-saving procedures performed on a person whose heart and/or lungs have suddenly stopped functioning. Current healthcare practice requires that attempts at resuscitation must be made unless otherwise specified.

拨打911会激活所有的抢救措施,尽管之前已经做出了决定, unless you have executed a "Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST)" form or bracelet. It is always a good idea to keep a copy of your wishes in a readily accessible location for emergency medical staff, 比如把它放在冰箱的顶部.

《正规手机网赌软件》仅适用于患有精神疾病的个人. A mental health advance directive is a legal written document that describes what you want to happen if your mental health problems become so severe that you need help from others. This might be when your judgment is impaired, and/or you are unable to communicate effectively. 它可以告诉别人你想要或不想要什么样的治疗, and it can identify a person to whom you have given the authority to make decisions on your behalf. 

在“知情同意”原则下," your medical care must be explained so you can understand it and can make informed decisions. 在入院接受手术时, you will be asked to sign an informed consent verifying that you understand and agree to the procedures and/or treatment that is planned for you.

It is important to let your physician and loved ones know your wishes for treatment should you ever be near death and unable to express them. 大多数医疗机构都认为你需要所有可用的医疗, 包括维持生命的护理, 除非你另有指示.

了解一些你的 选项

器官和组织捐赠不包括在WSMA预先指示中. You may choose to add an amendment to your health directive stating that you would like to donate your organs. 然而, 在某些情况下要考虑到这一点, it might be necessary to use machines to keep the heart beating until medical staff is ready to remove the donated organs. 如果你有健康指示,说明你不愿接受治疗, medical staff will honor those documents above donation of organs unless stated otherwise. If you would like your desire to donate organs to supersede refusal of treatment wishes described in your health directive, 考虑以下修正案:

"请告知我明确要求进行任何医疗程序, 包括那些能延长生命的, 为了更有效地获取器官或组织,这是必要的, unless the person named as health care agent considers these procedures too burdensome for me.”


华盛顿州医学协会 访问华盛顿州预先指示表格和其他有用的信息.

对话项目  Find tools to help you start an advance care planning conversation with your loved ones.

尊重选择PNW 探索各种工具,寻找公证人和其他Resources,以提前制定护理计划.

为你的护理做好准备 参与一个循序渐进的视频故事计划,帮助你与家人交谈, 医生,填好你的文件. 

生命终结华盛顿 了解有关预先护理计划的更多信息,并探索其他工具和Resources.

U.S.预先护理计划登记处 将你的预先护理计划文件存储在国家数据库中.

其他网上文件储存选择: Store your WSMA advance directives in these online tools that can be accessed through the internet.

我的指令 这个在线提前护理计划数字指令允许您存储您的价值观, 治疗目标, 保健代理人, 与你的代理人分享你的计划, 还有更多, 全部来自在线数据库. 你的手机上也有一个应用程序, MyDirectives MOBILE™ that allows you to sign and update your plan with the touch of your hand.

Cake 这个在线提前护理计划数字指令允许您存储您的价值观, 治疗目标, 保健代理人, 与你的代理人分享你的计划, 还有更多, 全部来自在线数据库. 它还包括遗产、遗产和财务规划. 这个在线网站可以通过你的移动互联网访问.



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